Fearless Girls Become Strong and Fearless Women


Our Clients Are

 Women – Individually and In Groups


 Professional and Alumnae Organizations.


It’s so helpful to have people talk to a neutral, wise, experienced advisor about issues of development and promotion. I regularly recommend Debbie Burke for this.
— James N. Cawse, PhD Science and Technology leader Cawse and Effect, LLC

I just want to thank you both for today’s webinar ‘What’s Working for Working Women Over 50,’ offered through the Smith College Alumnae organization. You were both so supportive, and you offered many valuable perspectives on the challenges and strategies of employment in today’s job market. I really appreciate the time and effort you put into sharing your expertise.
— Sue Stone, Smith '82

For our last three reunions, the class survey and presentation set the tone for the conversation for the whole weekend.
— Class Reunion Chair

what our participants are saying


Diane is a true research professional. She was entirely engaged throughout our qualitative project and ran the groups with great aplomb. Her final report was comprehensive and clearly outlined actionable next steps. Diane was instrumental in helping us understand our patients better.

I had a talented employee who seemed to be falling apart before our eyes, and I didn’t know why. Debbie was able to help him identify the scope of his personal issues and understand how the issues were affecting his work. The employee was able to get therapeutic help that helped him change things, and his career soared from there.



I loved your “coffee chats.” It’s so nice to just talk to other women, even if we haven’t met before. When is the next one?

Debbie helped me understand that I was only seeing part of the story. When I saw the whole, it was easier to find a path to making a great decision.


I have always thought that learning and talking with our Smith peers about how they are managing the current state of our existence has been the most valuable part of reunions.  This webinar seems to open this door and I would like to see it continue.
— Smith Alumna