Fearless Girls Become Strong and Fearless Women


What We Offer

Burke+Okrent offers an array of services to individual women, groups, employers, and professional associations. Services can be customized to meet clients’ needs. Please contact us to arrange any of the events or services described below.

Coffee Chats:

Regularly scheduled drop-in conversations with other women. No agenda, no to-do list. Just 90-minutes of calm conversation with people you will enjoy knowing. Each session is limited to 8 participants, on Zoom. Usually scheduled for the second Tuesday of the month, 7:00 - 8:30 PM Eastern Time. Please get in touch to register. Contact us

Employer Services:

Organization assessments, keynote talks, C-suite consultation, leader coaching, and new leader coaching. Please get in touch to schedule an initial consultation to explore the scale, scope, and complexity of the work you have in mind, and how we can work together effectively. Contact us.

Professional and alumnae organizations:

Debbie and Diane can customize their talks, coaching groups, and individual services to the needs of your association. Special payment arrangements and sliding scales may be arranged. Contact us.

Individual coaching:

Customized to your needs, individual coaching can be short-term or longer, focused on achieving a specific goal or establishing new life patterns. By appointment. Sign up for a 4-month cycle, usually 1-hour sessions. Contact us.

Coaching groups for women:

Each coaching group focuses on a specific life/work topic essential to its members. The list below is a sample of topics women have expressed interest in exploring. If you would like to join one of these groups, or if you would like to suggest another topic, please get in touch. Groups meet on a 4-month cycle of eight 90-minute sessions (every two weeks) with the same participants throughout the cycle.

  • Purpose: Developing the core of your life and career

    • Especially helpful when you are looking for new work or reframing your current work

    • Identify your core purpose and link it to your work

    • Rev up your impact and effectiveness

  • I’ve seen this play before: Mentoring across generations

    • Build a mentoring relationship across generations, learn from women who have faced some of the same experiences you face now, whether they are older or younger than you.

    • Especially useful for women returning to the workforce, contemplating career shifts, or working in small organizations with few other women.

  • Stay? Go? Change! Is it time to retire?

    • Explore your feelings, worries, and aspirations about entering the retirement phase of life.

    • Identify and prioritize your wishes and needs, determine the information you need to make wise decisions

    • Make a plan that fits you

  • Crisis and continuity: Paradoxes of caring for children, elders, and others while holding on to your own life

    • Caregiving may be the single biggest obstacle to women’s careers. Caring for children can often be anticipated and planned, but care requirements for elders often emerge in crisis and may take unpredictable paths.

    • Women may find they are simultaneously caring for several people who have diverging or conflicting needs.

    • Discover strategies for dealing with the many aspects of being a caregiver, especially while maintaining your work, and finding support from other women facing the same things you are.

  • Daughter, wife, mother, co-worker, friend – and what about me?

    • Explore ways of holding on to your own identity as you fill many roles in life, and as those roles expand and shift.


The confidentiality and privacy of your data are of the utmost importance to us at Burke+Okrent. The confidentiality policy for each Burke+Okrent survey is clearly explained in the introduction to each questionnaire. We typically do not track or share personally identifiable information including the name or IP address of any respondent. In some cases, such as for specialized surveys where it is important to know the identity of each respondent, the applicable privacy policy will be clearly stated in the questionnaire.

Unless otherwise agreed, you, as an individual and your organization as a partner,  give Burke+Okrent the right to include your responses in reports and research based on the questionnaire you responded to. We do not sell survey results to third parties. 

We present responses in aggregate, for example, “78% of people indicated …”. We also may use verbatim quotations to add depth and character to our presentations. We will do everything we can to limit the likelihood that an individual’s identity could be discerned by someone hearing or seeing a quotation. We are particularly alert to the confidential nature of responses on personally sensitive topics.

Our work is informed by the ethical standards of our professional associations, the Academy of Management (AOM), the Market Research Association (MRA), International Coach Federation (ICF) and the American Psychological Association (APA).

SurveyMonkey is our survey platform. Its design options allow us to make specific choices about data confidentiality for each questionnaire we develop. Its policies and practices go beyond GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliance for data privacy.

Our principals, Debbie Burke and Diane Okrent, and our advisor on data practices, Roger Matus, are always available to discuss the specific concerns of our partner and client organizations, and of individual questionnaire respondents.