Fearless Girls Become Strong and Fearless Women
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Fearless Girls Become Strong and Fearless Women

Strong Organizations Need Strong Women

Women and their work in jobs, families and communities

Burke + Okrent works with women, particularly at midlife and beyond, to explore their individual life experiences and how they can put those experiences to use to support their success and wellbeing.  These include personal and professional perspectives on their contributions to their workplace, community, and family.

We work with organizations to help them recruit, engage, and promote educated and capable women.  For corporations, we provide guidance in optimizing the relationship with women in their organization as well as women to whom they wish to communicate in the marketplace.

Smith College alumnae Debbie Burke and Diane Okrent were at a reunion and wondered what their college classmates thought about their past and future lives.  So, as business professionals, they volunteered to survey the class before the next reunion and report on the findings.  The presentation was a hit!  It precipitated days of reflection and discussion.  And, they did it five years later and five years after that!

Now, as Burke+Okrent, Debbie and Diane offer the opportunity for other groups of women to reflect on their lives — past, present, and future – and to see themselves in the context of women their age or life stage.  Participants find themselves better able to face the future with joy and confidence.  And, they become more connected to others.


Using a combination of a self-reflective personal questionnaire and a presentation of the responses of similar women, Burke+Okrent helps women in their 50’s and 60’s understand their life experience in the context of their peer group. 

The presentation of findings can be live or in a webinar, and can be part of a workshop or retreat.  It can also take the form of coaching for individuals and groups.  Interactive discussion is always encouraged.


Our expanding database provides a nuanced view of women over 50. The comments from members of your group can be described in light of the more generalized information where comparisons and contrasts are useful.

  • Alumnae associations and reunion classes

  • Universities and other educational enterprises

  • Employers looking at intergenerational work and learning

  • Professional societies

  • Foundations that support community connections

  • Civic and religious groups

  • Women’s groups

  • Individual women and their friends




(413) 281-9148


Participants Have Said

“Sometimes I feel that I am unique in my worries. I enjoyed the opportunity to reflect through the survey. I felt validated when I heard other women's stories.”


“Debbie and Diane ran a webinar for alumnae from ages 55-80 that broke all records for participation and enthusiasm.”


“I loved your ‘coffee chats.’ It’s so nice to just talk to other women, even if we haven’t met before. When is the next one?”



We need to remember across generations that there is as much to learn as there is to teach
— Gloria Steinem


Contact Us.

We’d like to Hear From You!

We offer surveys, webinars, coaching — both individuals and in groups, consultations, speaking engagements, and drop-in coffee chats. Burke+Okrent offers an array of services to employers and professional associations. Work can be customized for a client’s needs. For more information fill out the form and click submit. We look forward to hearing from you.