Fearless Girls Become Strong and Fearless Women


International Day of the Girl - October 11, 2020

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“My Voice, Our Equal Future” is the theme of this year’s International Day of the Girl, Sunday, October 11, 2020. At Burke+Okrent we want to nurture “fearless girls,” so they shape that future. To learn more about what it takes to be a grown-up fearless girl, we invite you to respond to our questionnaire, “What happens when fearless girls grow up?”

Tell us what you think makes for a fearless girl and who your favorite grown-up fearless girls are – in the present and historically. And tell us what inspires you to be a fearless girl, whatever your age!

Complete this questionnaire: http://bit.ly/fearless_girls

We will share aggregate results on our website

So, please check back, and don’t forget to connect with us on LinkedIn and Facebook at Burke + Okrent, LLC. We want to stay in touch!

“In 2020, we commemorate 25 years since the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action – the global agenda for advancing the rights and empowerment of women and girls, everywhere. Generation Equality was also launched in early 2020 as a multi-year, multi-partner campaign and movement for bold action on gender equality.

Progress for adolescent girls has not kept pace with the realities they face today, and COVID-19 has reinforced many of these gaps. This year, under the theme, “My Voice, Our Equal Future,” let’s seize the opportunity to be inspired by what adolescent girls see as the change they want, the solutions- big and small- they are leading and demanding across the globe.

A clear narrative and actions related to the needs and opportunities of adolescent girls and their solutions is central to the Generation Equality mission. Today’s more than 1.1 billion girls are poised to take on the future. Every day, girls are breaking boundaries and barriers, tackling issues like child marriage, education inequality, violence, climate justice, and inequitable access to healthcare. Girls are proving they are unstoppable.”
--The United Nations https://www.un.org/en/observances/girl-child-day

Debbie Burke and Diane Okrent, Principals
Burke and Okrent, LCC
Women: Telling Our Stories