Fearless Girls Become Strong and Fearless Women


Fearless Girls


What happens when fearless girls grow up?

That’s what we want to know…and share!

We help groups of women reflect on their lives — past, present and future – and learn about the lives of other women in their age group or stage of life. 

As speakers, consultants, coaches, researchers and writers, we work with women in companies, professional associations, alumnae groups and other affiliations. 

Building on our decades in HR, management consulting, marketing research and coaching, Deborah Ferro Burke and Diane Okrent are using the skills honed in commercial and non-profit enterprises in our new venture. We find our focus on maturing women -- fascinating!

We're telling the stories of women over 50 through surveys, webinars and retreats. Come with us and your peers too!

And tell us what you think about our website: 