Fearless Girls Become Strong and Fearless Women


Mourning the loss...

Even in a time of massive, widespread loss, it’s the personal, intimate losses that hit us hard. We are mourning the loss of Sophie, and the bereavement of her human, Susan. Sophie was a Lab-and-who-knows-what-else mix, only 2 months from her 15th birthday. A dog with aplomb, adaptable and loyal, she “joined” the US Foreign Service with Susan and moved with her to Washington, Warsaw, and Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia!) before returning to The Berkshires a few years ago. She took every plane ride, every new home, every new group of human and canine friends in stride, a stride that slowed down over the years and grew wobbly, but that continued to drive her enthusiastically through new adventures.

To honor friendships, and our pets, and to recognize the pain of loss, we remember Sophie and care for Susan. And for hope and beauty, we refer you to their video appearance in “The World’s Largest Poem” video, which we shared on our blog last autumn. You can see Sophie, and hear Susan narrating the piece that concluded the poem here. When you have a longer moment, experience the entire poem video. Written by dozens of Berkshire residents, organized by the Berkshire Word X Word project, presented and recorded at The Mount, Edith Wharton’s home. As you watch, imagine that you are with Sophie, exploring every delightful smell and gorgeous vista of this beautiful place. Link to the video of the entire poem.

Susan and Sophie.jpg

Susan and Sophie