Fearless Girls Become Strong and Fearless Women


My Father's Tallis

It was cold this morning as I prepared to participate in my synagogue’s Zoom morning service. I wrapped myself in my wool tallis (prayer shawl) and was immediately transported to my childhood.

This is the tallis my father wore. I have lovely memories of early Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur mornings when our synagogue was cold because the air conditioning was on high and attendance was low. My father would wrap us both in his tallis and I would be surrounded by his warmth and his love. So, every time I put it on, my father is with me. He kept me warm this morning.


The first time I wore the tallis, a year after my father’s passing, I asked my son, then age nine, what he thought of my wearing Grandpa’s tallis. He looked it over and replied, “It’s like Superman’s cape!” And so, it is! With Superman’s cape, I can do anything — including staying warm while praying, reading Torah and Haftorah, and honoring my father’s memory.

My father was always supportive of my endeavors. He would be so proud to know that, at Burke+Okrent, we are supporting working women as they pursue their purpose in life. Ask us how we can help support you with personalized coaching, improving the workplace for women, approaching work-life decisions amid Covid, and more.